
Michaela Keck

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Deliberately Out of Bounds

Women’s Work on Classical Myth in Nineteenth-Century American Fiction

Michaela Keck

Price: 45,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6706-0
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 282
Available: 10.05.2017
Keywords: gender studies, U.S.A., Ikonographie, 19. Jahrhundert, Frauenliteratur, Neuengland, Mythenrezeption, visual culture studies, Alcott, Louisa May, visuelle Kultur, Sedgwick, Catharina Maria, Child, Lydia Maria, Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, Stoddart, Elizabeth, amerikanische Literatur

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Walking in the Wilderness

The Peripatetic Tradition in Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Painting

Michaela Keck

Price: 45,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-5196-0
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 134
Available: 22.06.2006
Keywords: USA, Literatur, Wandern (Motiv), Wildnis (Motiv), Geschichte 1800-1900, Thoreau, Henry David, Ikonographie, Landschaftsmalerei, Landschaft, amerikanische Literatur

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