Studies in the History of the English Language

1. Edition, 1990
225 Pages

ISBN: 978-3-8253-4336-1
Product: Book
Edition: Clothed
Subject: Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Series: Anglistische Forschungen, Volume No.: 210

Keywords: historische Sprachforschung, Sprachgeschichte, Englisch, englische Sprachgeschichte, Standardenglisch, Mittelenglisch, Frühe Neuzeit, Chaucer

The papers included in this collection comprise major articles on aspects of the history of the English language, published by the author between 1978 and 1988. Some of them complement the more unified approaches to the topic that he has published in book form, others document a partial change in the focus of research interests – towards sociolinguistics, modem language history and the field of world Englishes in particular. It so happened (but is probably indicative of this wider scope of historical linguistics) that the index of names begins with Aberdeen and ends with Zimbabwe.

For all the variety of topics represented here, there is a unifying principle underlying the papers, namely the author’s belief that historical linguistics must never lose sight of the texts, and must always be aware of the limitations that restricted corpora and the absence of native speakers impose on the investigator.


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