An Evaluation of Methodological Options for Grammar Instruction in EFL Textbooks

Are Methods Dead?

1. Auflage, 2011
435 Seiten

ISBN: 978-3-8253-5957-7
Sortiment: Buch
Ausgabe: Gebunden
Fachgebiet: Anglistik/Amerikanistik
Reihe: Anglistische Forschungen, Band: 422
lieferbar: 26.10.2011

Schlagwörter: Englischunterricht, Fachdidaktik Englisch, Methodologie, Grammatik /Unterricht, Fremdsprache /Unterricht, Methode /Unterricht, Englischdidaktik, Schulbuch /Analyse, Lehrwerk /Analyse, Englisch als Fremdsprache, Didaktik /Grammatik

The textbook is a significant medium of instruction in foreign language learning and teaching. Materials writers claim to implement the most recent foreign language acquisition research findings as well as modern approaches that are proposed by methodologists for the successful development of communicative competence. In spite of this, recent studies have shown that many practitioners are dissatisfied with textbooks, and the majority of learners dislike grammar and are unmotivated by how it is taught.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate methodological options that figure in currently used textbooks on the basis of important pedagogic principles. The four methodological options textual data, grammar activities, discovery activities, and songs, are critically analysed to provide an outline of the extent to which current textbooks meet the demands of grammar instruction in the Postmethod era. In addition, areas of improvement for the conceptual design of future textbooks are presented.

Claus Gnutzmann in: Anglistik, 24.1 (2013), 230ff

in: Reference and Research Book News, Vol. 27.5, Oct. 2012, 164

Martina Stange in: Englisch & Mehrsprachigkeit, 4/1 (2012), 21f
