Schlagwort "Foer, Jonathan Safran"

Foer, Jonathan Safran

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Sounding the Novel

Voice in Twenty-First Century American Fiction

Nathalie Aghoro

Price: 38,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-7822-6
Product: Ebook
Edition: PDF
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 294
Available: 03.12.2018
Keywords: Stimme, Medialität, Foer, Jonathan Safran, Gegenwartsliteratur, Powers, Richard, 21. Jahrhundert, Sound Studies, Yamashita, Karen Tei, Klang, Klangraum, Egan, Jennifer, amerikanische Literatur

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Sounding the Novel

Voice in Twenty-First Century American Fiction

Nathalie Aghoro

Price: 38,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-6916-3
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 294
Available: 03.12.2018
Keywords: Stimme, Medialität, Foer, Jonathan Safran, Gegenwartsliteratur, Powers, Richard, 21. Jahrhundert, Sound Studies, Yamashita, Karen Tei, Klang, Klangraum, Egan, Jennifer, amerikanische Literatur

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Comedy – Avant-Garde – Scandal

Remembering the Holocaust after the End of History

Andrew S. Gross, Susanne Rohr

Price: 32,00 €
ISBN: 978-3-8253-5726-9
Product: Book
Edition: Hardcover
Series: American Studies – A Monograph Series, Volume No. 183
Available: 22.04.2010
Keywords: Libeskind, Daniel, Mihaileanu, Radu, Bukiet, Melvin Jules, Foer, Jonathan Safran, Erinnerungskultur, Architektur, Holocaust /Film, Kunst, Literatur, Holocaust, Kulturelles Gedächtnis

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